Jumat, 17 Juli 2009

"I was wondering if we as tijanis can seek madad from angels or if they can give it???"

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-----Berikut adalah Lampiran dalam Pesan-----
Wa Alaykum As-Salam dear brother Mustafa,

You asked:

"I was wondering if we as tijanis can seek madad from angels or if they can give it???"

I answer you with an advice rather than a 'yes' or 'no' to the actual question.

Sidi, in this Tariqah we are not even allowed to seek the assistance of the greatest saints of this Ummah, and their maqam is surely higher than these Angels.

We suffice ourselves with Allah, His Prophet (SAW), our Shaykh al-Khatm al-Tijani (RA) and his Vice-regents.

You won't get better Madad from anyone else.

So seek sufficiency in them. Put your trust in them and they will not let you down, Wallahi thumma Wallahi.

Turn to others and you will get nothing but suffering.

Believe me, these things (Jinns-Angels-Unseen powers) look very interesting in the beginning. However, when one is really enjoying this delusion, the same powers turn against you and make your life miserable.

Then you embarrassingly realize that you only needed Allah and His Prophet (SAW), but the damage has been done.

Rather realize this the nice way than the hard way.

Remember, when Nabi Ibrahim (AS) was thrown in the Fire, the Archangel Jibril (A.S.) personally requested to help him, but he refused saying, "Hasbuna Allah wa Ni'm al-Wakil".

The blessed Prophet (SAW) also refused the request of Jibril (A.S.) to turn the mountains of Madinah into gold for him, and he also refused his request to make the mountains of Taif crush all his evil enemies.

People usually turn to these "Angels" to either gain worldly help (e.g. wealth) or destroy enemies.

Our Master (and Real-Shaykh in this Tijani Path) the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), refused both types of help. His example is the best.

Of course, there is nothing wrong if an Angel appears in front of you or even helps you, without any desire or wish for that from your side. Those are Allah's affairs, and we leave everything to Him.

May Allah keep us steadfast on the Straight Path.


Servant of the Tijani Door,

Fakhruddin bin Ahmad al-Tijani

Hikmah Isro' Mi'roj

Hikmah - Isra Mi'raj
Posted by: "Arief Wibawa-MAS tours & travel" wibawa@mas-travel.com
Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:14 am (PDT)

Setelah perjumpaannya dengan para nabi dan rasul di Masjidil Aqsha, Jibril
memegang tangan Rasulullah dan menuntunya menuju ke batu Shakhrah. Batu
Shakhrah adalah sebuah batu besar yang berada di tengah masjidil Aqsha,
masjid yang merupakan kiblat bagi seluruh nabi.

Batu itu merupakan tempat pijakan untuk Rasulullah bermi'raj, yang di
keluarkan dari surga Firdaus. Diatas batu tersebut terdapat tangga yang
sangat besar dan sangat elok rupanya. Tangga itu terdiri dari sepuluh
tingkat anak tangga. Berselang seling, satu terbuat dari perak dan satu
terbuat dari emas, bertatahkan ratna mutu manikam, serta di hiasai bebatuan
yaqut merah dan putih di sebelah kanan dan kirinya.

Pangkal bagian bawah tangga tersebut di letakan Jibril di atas batu
Shakhrah, sementara ujung bagian atasnya terletak tepat di bawah Arsy.
Dengan kekuasaan Allah, tiap-tiap satu anak tangga dapat naik dan dapat
turun, dimana tingkatan pertama anak tangga itu turun dari langit yang
pertama sampai dia atas batu Shakhrah.

Rasulullah menaiki tangga mi'raj itu. Anak tangga demi anak tangga dari
langit yang pertama hingga langit yang ketujuh. Kemudian anak tangga yang
kedelapan mengangkatnya hingga ke Sidratul Muntaha, anak tangga yang
kesembilan mengangkatnya hingga ke Kursi, dan anak tangga yang kesepuluh
mengangkatnya hingga sampai di Mustawa. Jarak satu tingkatan anak tangga
adalah perjalanan 500 tahun.

Setelah Rasulullah bersama Jibril naik di atas tingkat anak tangga yang
pertama dari mi'rajnya itu, beliau naik dengan kecepatan bagaikan kilat yang
menyambar hingga beliau dan Jibril sampai di langit yang pertama.

Jibril kemudian memberi salam kepada malaikat penunggu langit pertama itu,
"Assalamu'alaik" Malaikat penunggu langit pertama bertanya, "Siapa engkau?"
Jibril menjawab, "Aku Jibril". Lalu di tanya lagi, "Siapa yang bersama
denganmu?" "Aku bersama Muhammad," Jawab Jibril. Malaikat itu kembali
bertanya, "Apakah memang telah di perintahkan untuk datang?" Jibril kembali
menjawab "Iya, memang telah di perintahkan untuk datang."

Malaikat itu pun kemudian membukakan pintu langit pertama tersebut seraya
mengatakan, "Allah telah memberi kehormatan kepada nabi ini, dan kepada
khalifahnya (Jibril). Maka inilah sebaik-baiknya Khalifah dan sebaik-baiknya

DI langit pertama itu, Rasulullah melihat Nabi Adam dan memberikan salam
kepadanya. Nabi Adam menjawab salam tersebut dan mengatakan, "Sambutan yang
luas kepada putraku yag shalih dan nabi yang shalih." Saat itu Rasulullah
juga mekihat pemandangan para malaikat dalam jumlah yang sangat banyak
berbaris sambil bertasbih dan bertahlil.

Sesaat kemudian, mereka berdua melanjutkan perjalanan ke langit kedua.
Sesampainya di langit yang kedua, Jibril meminta kepada malaikat penunggu
langit kedua agar membuka pintu langit yang kedua. Malaikat itupun bertanya,
"Siapa engkau ?" Jibril menjawab, "Aku Jibril." Lalu ia di tanya lagi,
"Siapa yang bersama denganmu?" "Aku bersama Muhammad," jawab Jibril.
Malaikat itu kembali bertanya, "Apakah memang telah diperintahkan untuk
datang?." Jibril kembali menjawab "Iya, memang telah di perintahkan untuk

Malaikat itu pun membukakan pintu langit yang kedua seraya memberikan
penghormatan, pujian-pujian, dan doa bagi Rasulullah, seperti halnya yang
juga di lakukan malaikat dilangit yang pertama.

Di langit yang kedua Rasulullah melihat nabi Isa putra Maryam dan nabi Yahya
bin Zakaria. Rasulullah menyampaikan salam kepada keduanya. Keduanya pun
membalas salam Rasulullah, berikut segala kehormatan, pujian-pujian dan doa
bagi Rasulullah. Kembali Rasulullah melihat para malaikat dalam jumlah yang
sangat banyak hingga berkali-kali lipat banyaknya dari jumlah malaikat yang
menghuni langit pertama. Mereka berbaris, seraya bertasbih, bertahlil dan
bertahmid kehadirat Allah.

Begitulah seterusnya, langit demi langit dilewati dalam perjalanan mi'raj
Rasulullah bersama Jibril. Di langit ketiga Rasulullah betemu dengan nabi
Yusuf, yang sangat tampan dan elok rupa wajahnya. Di langit keempat
Rasululah bertemu dengan nabi Idris, di langit kelima dengan nabi Harun dan
di langit yang keenam beliau bertemu dengan nabi Musa.

Setiap kali bertemu dengan para nabi itu, Rasulullah beroleh penghormatan, ,
puji-pujian dan doa yang disampaikan oleh para nabi yang mulia tersebut,
serta dari para malaikat penjaga pintu langit.

Hingga kemudian sampailah Rasulullah di langit yang terakhir, langit yang
ketujuh. Di langit yang ketujuh, Rasulullah bertemu dengan Bapak para nabi,
Nabi Ibrahim.

Dalam perjumpaan itu , nabi Ibrahim berkata kepada Rasulullah, "Wahai
Muhammad, banyakanlah hajatmu di hadapan Tuhanmu Azza wa Jalla, yaitu hajat
bagi umatmu, sebab umatmu adalah umat yang dhaif. Kemudian, wahai Muhammad,
sampaikanlah berita kepada umatmu bahwa surga itu begitu luas dan begitu
bagus. Surga adalah tanaman dari kalimat Subhanallah wal hamdulillah
walailaha illallah wallahu akbar. Karenanya barang siapa membaca kalimat
tersebut satu kali, di tumbuhkan baginya satu pohon di dalam surga."
Demikianlah pesan yang disampaikan oleh Nabi Ibrahim kepada Rasulullah.

Pada saat itu, Rasululah kembali melihat para malaikat dalam jumlah yang
teramat banyak hingga berkali-kali lipat banyaknya dari jumlah malaikat yang
menghuni langit sebelumnya. Para malaikat itu berbaris, seraya mengeluarkan
suara yang terdengar sangat dahsyat dan menggemparkan saat mereka bertasbih,
bertaqdis (mensucikan) , bertajid (memuliakan) , bertakbir, dan berta'zom
(mengagungkan) ke hadirat Allah.

Setelah bersua dengan nabiyullah Ibrahim, keduanya melanjutkan kembali
perjalanananya sehingga ke tingkat kedelapan dari perjalanan miraj, yaitu ke
Sidratul Muntaha.

Sidratul Muntaha digambarkan laksana sebuah pohoh tang sangat besar. Tidak
di ketahui kecuali oleh Allah. Dikatakan, sekiranya seseorang menunggang
kuda dan melarikan kudanya dengan cepat selama 70 tahun, bayangan di bawah
teduhnya pohon itu belum dapat terlampaui.

Setiap satu daun pohon itu dapat meneduhkan beberapa mahluk di bawah nya. Di
atas setiap daunnya, terdapat satu malaikat yang sedang membaca tasbih dan
taqdis, dengan kemerduan suara yang belum pernah di dengar oleh manusia.

Begitu banyak keajaiban dan kemegahan yang terdapat pada pohon Sidratyl
Muntaha, yang cahayannya sangat elok. Pohon Sidratul Muntaha memiliki dasar
yang berada di atas langit keenam, sedangkan pertengahan pohon itu berada di
langit yang ke tujuh. Cabang-cabangnya berada di atas Kursi, sementara
setiap ujung cabangnya mencapai setiap malaikat yang tengah berada di atas
Arsy. Di pertengahan pohon itulah keberadaan maqam (kedudukan) nabi Ibrahim.

Sesamapinya di sana , Jibril berkata kepada Rasulullah, "Ya Muhammad,
berjalanlah! ' Rasulullah Menjawab, "Hai Kekasihku, berjalanlah. " Rupanya
keduanya saling mempersilahkan jalan terlebih dajulu.

Jibril kembali mengatakan, 'Ya Muhammad, berjalanlah. Karena engkau lebih
mulia dariku." Maka berjalanlah rasulullah di muka, dan Jibril berjalan di
belakang Rasulullah. Alam di atas sana adalah alam yang banyak di penuhi
hijab. Sesampainya Rasulullah besama Jibril di suatu tempat, berkata
malaikat penunggu hijab yang pertama, 'Siapakah engkau." "Aku jibril,
bersama Muhammad, yang telah di perintahkan untuk datang." Dan malaikat itu
pu bertakbir, "Allahu Akbar!".

Kemudian malaikat itu mengeluarkan tangannya dari bawah hijab dan mengangkat
Rasulullah ke atas tingkat mi'raj yang kesembilan.

Sesampainya di mi'raj tingkat kesembilan, Jibril berhenti. Rasulullah pun
berkata kepada Jibril, "Hai kekasihku, mengapa engkau tidak ikut naik?
Apakah kau akan meninggalkan diriku seorang diri?"

Jibril menjawab, "Bangsa kami, malaikat, tidak berada kecuali pada maqam
yang telah diketahui (ditentukan) ." Kemudian malaikat hijab yang pertama
bersama Rasulullah naik bagaikan kilat hingga sampai kepada malaikat hijab
yang kedua. Malaikat itu berkata, "Siapa engkau?" Malaikat hijab yang
pertama menjawab, "Aku malaikat hijab pertama bersama Muhammad, yang telah
diperintahkan untuk datang." Malaikat itu pun bertakbir, "Allahu Akbar"
Kemudian malaikat itu mengeluarkan tangannya dari bawah hijab dan mengangkat
Rasulullah yang diiringi sejumlah malaikat di setiap hijab yang dilalui,
hingga sampailah Rasulullah pada tingkat mi'raj yang kesepuluh.

Di tingkat mi'raj yang kesepuluh, mereka menaikkan Rasulullah kembali hingga
sampai pada suatu tempat yang dinamaka Mustawa. Mustawa adalah suatu tempat
yang maha-tinggi lagi maha-luas dan sangat terang bercahaya. Di tempat itu.
Rasulullah mendengar suara Qalam, yang bergerak-gerak di atas Lauhul
Mahfuzh. Dari atas, turunlah sebuah tempat duduk yangs angat megah dan
bersinar dengan segala cahaya, namanya Ar Rafraful Akhdar. Para malaikat
muqarrabin kemudian mendudukan Rasulullah di atas tempat duduk itu.


(dari Az-Zahr Al-Basim - Habib Utsman bin Abdullah Bin Yahya Al-Alawi


---Sesungguhnya shalatku, ibadahku, hidup matiku, aku serahkan kepada Allah
Tuhan Semesta Alam [6:162]---



Pemandu Wisata akan menjemput anda di Bandara Ngurah Rai Check In Hotel.Acara Bebas. Picking you up from the airport, check in hotel and free programe

Selamat Menikmati sarapan pagi, selanjutnya Pemandu dan Transportasi anda akan menemani anda menuju Makam Siti Fatimah di Tegal Denpasar lalu ke Pasar Candi Kuning, Kebun Raya Bedugul, dilanjutkan Makan Siang di Saranam Restaurant, Kemudian Alas Kedaton, dilanjutkan menuju Tanah Lot. Acara Makan Malam di Golden Palace Restaurant “Chinese Food”. Kembali ke Hotel… breakfast, then seeing Siti Fatimah grave (a moslem, a Pemecutan kingdom’s ancestor and a wife of Ulama) at Tegal Denpasar, going to Candi Kuning traditional Mart & Bedugul botanical garden, lunch at Saranam resto, then Alas Kedaton at Tabanan, then Tanah Lot beach. Dinner at Golden Palace “Chinese food” resto. Back to hotel

Sarapan Pagi di hotel. Benoa Water Sport “ Glass Bottom & Turtle Island “ . Garuda Wisnu Kencana, Pantai Padang – Padang, Pantai Dream Land, Uluwatu. Makan Malam di Furama Café ( Indoor ) di Kedonganan Beach. Kembali ke hotel… breakfast, Water sport at Benoa beach (Glass bottom & Turtle island), after that Garuda Wisnu Kencana, Padang-padang beach, Dream Land beach, Uluwatu. Dinner at Furama Café (in door) at Kedonganan beach. Back to hotel

Makan Pagi di Hotel, acara bebas sampai waktu penjemputan untuk diantar ke Bandara Ngurah Rai… breakfast, check out, free programe then to Ngurah rai airport

Harga sudah termasuk – price is including:
1. Menginap 3 malam untuk berdua dalam 1 kamar – 3 nites in double room hotel
2. 3 x Sarapan Pagi, 1x Makan Siang , 2 x Makan Malam – 3 x breakfast, 1 x lunch & 2 x dinner
3. Tiket masuk ke Objek objek wisata, Glass Bottom & Turtle Island, sesuai dengan program diatas – tours sites entrance ticket as program above
4. Pemandu wisata, Transportasi Kijang Innova – guide, transpot (innova)
5. Harga dibawah adalah harga per orang untuk dewasa, anak anak 4 Tahun 50% dari harga dewasa, anak anak 0 – 2 tahun free of charge – the price below is per pax (adult), 4 years old kids 50%, infant 0-2 years is FOC
6. Harga sewaktu waktu bisa berubah – price could be changed any time, without information

Harga Tidak termasuk price is excluded:
1. Tiket Pesawat – flight ticket
2. Airport Tax
3. Asuransi, Pengeluaran Pribadi, Tip Pemandu dan Sopor – insurance, private needs, guide tips and driver
4. Program Tambahan – additional programe

( FAMILY ROOM ) 3.100.000
( SUPERIOR & EXTRA BED ) 2.100.000

Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

Story of Prophet Shuaib (pbuh) Ibn Kathir

Sultan Abdullatif Bin Al-Hashim sent a message to the members of FRIENDS OF PRINCE AL-SHARIF ABDULLATIF AL-HASHIMI.

By Sultan Abdullah bin AlHashim - Italy
Subject: Story of Prophet Shuaib (pbuh)

Story of Prophet Shuaib (pbuh)
Ibn Kathir

Allah the Almighty revealed the story of Shu'aib (pbuh): "To the people of Madyan (Madian) (We sent) their brother Shu'aib. He said: "O my people! Worship Allah, you have no other Ilah (God) but Him. Verily! a clear proof (sign) from your Lord has come unto you; so give full measure and full weight and wrong not men in their things, and do not mischief on the earth after it has been set in order that will be better for you, if you are believers. And sit not on every road, threatening, and hindering from the Path of Allah those who believe in Him, and seeking to make it crooked. Remember when you were but few, and He multiplied you. See what was the end of the Mufsideen (mischief makers, corrupts and liars). And if there is a party of you who believes in that which I have been sent and a party who do not believe, so be patient until Allah judges between us, and He is the Best of judges."

The chiefs of those who were arrogant among his people said: "We shall certainly drive you out, O Shu'aib! and those who have believed with you from our town, or else you all shall return to our religion."

He said: "Even though we hate it! We should have invented a lie against Allah if we returned to your religion, after Allah has rescued us from it. It is not for us to return to it unless Allah, our Lord, should will. Our Lord comprehends all things in His Knowledge. In Allah (Alone) we put our trust. Our Lord! Judge between us and our people in truth, for You are the Best of those Who gives judgment."

The chiefs of those who disbelieved among his people said to their people: "If you follow Shu'aib be sure then you will be the losers!"

Then he (shu'aib) turned from them and said: "O my people! I have indeed conveyed my Lord's Messages unto you and I have given you good advice. Then how can I sorrow for the disbelieving people's (destruction)." (Ch 7:85-93 Quran)

The people of Madyan were Arabs who lived in the country of Ma'an, part of which today is greater Syria. They were a greedy people who did not believe that Allah existed and who led wicked lives. They gave short measure, praised their goods beyond their worth, and hid their defects. They lied to their customers, thereby cheating them.

Allah sent His Prophet Shu'aib (pbuh) armed with many miracles. Shu'aib preached to them, begging them to be mindful of Allah's favors and warning them of the consequences of their evil ways, but they only mocked him. Shu'aib remained calm as he reminded them of his kinship to them and that what he was doing was not for his personal gain.

They seized the belongings of Shu'aib and his followers, then drove them out of the city. The Messenger turned to his Lord for help, and his plea was answered. Allah sent down on them scorching heat and they suffered terribly. On seeing a cloud gathering in the sky, they thought it would bring cool, refreshing rain, and rushed outside in the hope of enjoying the rainfall. Instead the cloud burst, hurling thunderbolts and fire. They heard a thunderous sound from above which caused the earth under their feet to tremble. The evil doers perished in this state of horror.

Allah the Exalted stated: "The dwellers of Al Aiyka (near Midian, or Madyan) belied the Messengers. When Shu'aib said to them: "Will you not fear Allah and obey Him? I am a trustworthy Messenger to you. SO fear Allah, keep your duty to Him, and obey me. No reward do I ask of you for it (my message of Islamic Monotheism), my reward is only from the Lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists). Give full measure, and cause no loss to others. And weigh with the true and straight balance. Defraud not people by reducing their things nor do evil making corruption and mischief in the land. Fear Him Who created you and the generations of the men of old."

They said: "You are only one of those bewitched! You are but a human being like us and verily, we think that you are one of the liars! So cause a piece of heaven to fall on us, if you are of the truthful!"

He said: "My Lord is the Best Knower of what you do."

But, they belied him, so the torment of the day of shadow (a gloomy cloud) seized them, indeed that was the torment of a Great Day. Verily, in this is a sign yet most of them are not believers. And verily! Your Lord, He is indeed the All Mighty, the Most Merciful." (Ch 26:176-191 Quran).

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Villas in Bali

Masjid Nabawi Madina

Masjidil Haram

Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

Bedugul Tour

Bedugul Tour
Bedugul and Beratan Lake Tour is one of Bali Tour Packages to visit places of interest in the regency of Tabanan like Beratan Lake, Ulun Danu Temple, Transitional fruit and vegetable market and Taman Ayun Temple also Tanah Lot Temple
. Bedugul is the name of place located in mountain area encircled by the cold temperature and natural environment with beautiful panorama of Beratan Lake. Your tour is arranged within 8 hours departs from your hotel lobby. The tour is very exciting to visit the tourist destinations in Bali with our professional speaking guide and full air-conditioning car for your enjoyable and comfortable journey. On the way of your tour, the Indonesia lunch menu is served at local restaurant with breathtaking view of rice terrace to complete the tour to be your memorable one.
The Places of Interest to visit on Bedugul Tour
Beratan Lake is a beautiful wide lake encircled by the cool temperature and blanketed by fog especially in the evening. The water is clear and calm with beautiful Mountain as backdrop view that make you will forbear staying there. There are plenty of traditional boats standby at the lakeside which is used by fisherman and found local people are fishing to add the beauty of this place.

Ulun Danu Temple is a famous temple located in the lakeside of Beratan and owns the beautiful panorama with Beratan Lake and mountain as a backdrop view. When the lake water is going up, this temple is looked like adrift above water because the water encircles it. It is situated in the cool area and mountain with breathtaking view and many tourist visits this place every day in particular on the day time.

It is a traditional market to sell the fresh vegetable and fruit that is very famous and many visited by tourist especially by local tourist. It is one of the tourist destinations in Bali presenting unique local community activities by serving the variety of agricultural product like fresh vegetables, fruit, corn, peanut, union, tomato etc. This market is opened from 7:00 am and closed at 18:00.

Taman Ayun Temple is a big temple located in Mengwi District and Badung regency. It is one of the heritance from the empire of Mengwi with beautiful temple building and the big fishpond surrounds it. This Temple owns the building boosting high and joins with others with beautiful decoration and it is designed by Balinese architecture.

Located in Tabanan, just across the boundary of Badung regency, Tanah Lot is the most well-known and photographed temple.
A truly remarkable and feature temple, Tanah Lot is built on a stony narrow piece of terrain, which the high tides transform into an island, making right of entry from the land impossible.

It is particularly reminiscent at sunset when the illumination, at times a slender thread and others, a dazzling spark, springs back the waves. The beach around Tanah Lot is less comfortable for swimming but great for horse riding and watching spectacular sunset. Although surfing can be done in this area but it's recommended not for beginner.
The temple is built on a small promontory, which is only accessible by foot at low tide. Take a scarf and dress with respect.

Poisonous snakes live in the nearby caves to guard the temple from the intruders and contribute to the temple 'dangerous' reputation. Sunset is the best time to visit Tanah Lot, when the golden red skies frame the temple and the waves crash into the rocks.

09.30 Pick up at Hotel
10.15 Visit Taman Ayun Temple
12.00 Lunch at Pacung Restaurant with Rice Terrace view
13.00 Visit traditional fruit and vegetable market
14.00 Visit Bedugul and Beratan Lake including Ulun Danu Temple
15.00 Visit Tanah Lot
16.30 Back to hotel
17.30 Arrive at hotel

PRICE: US$ 43 net/person – minimum of 2 people – it could be changed anytime without information
Single Traveler: US$ 60 net/person
Prices are inclusive of:
• Entrance fee at all tourist destinations
• 1 x lunch at local restaurant
• Speaking guide (English, Japanese and other language is subject to availability)
• Insurance