Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

maulud within maulud in old Mekah

Maulud within Maulud' in old Mekah
Gabriel Haddad

Thursday, March 20, 2008

FOR centuries, the birthday of Prophet Muhammad, upon him blessings and peace, was celebrated in and around the actual house in Mekah where he was born. Since the Arabic words for "birthday" and "birthplace" are one and the same, it was literally a "Maulud within Maulud".

In his book Akhbar Makka the third-century historian of the Mother of Cities, al-Azraqi, mentions as one of the many places in Mekah in which the performance of salat is desirable the house where the Prophet was born (mawlid al-Nabi). The noble house (located in what became known as Suq al-Layl, Shuaab Bani Amir, Shuaab Ali and Shuaab al-Mawlid, present-day Qashshashiyya Street in Mekah), belonged to his father Abd Allah by inheritance from his father Abd al-Muttalib, then passed on to the Prophet himself. It is said that the Prophet passed it on to his cousin Aqil ibn Abi Talib in whose hand it remained even after the conquest of Mekah.

Aqil's son sold it to Muhammad ibn Yusuf the brother of al-Hajjaj. He expanded it and the house became known as al-Bayda' and Dar Ibn Yusuf. When al-Khayzaran the mother of the caliphs Musa al-Hadi and Harun al-Rashid performed pilgrimage, she brought out Ibn Yusuf from the house and turned it into a mosque, after which the house became known as Zuqaq al-Mawlid.

The Quranic scholar al-Naqqash (266-351) mentions this Birthplace Mosque as a place where doa by noon on Yawm al-Ithnayn (Mondays) is answered.

Ibn Jubayr (540-614) in his Rihla ("Travels") states: "This blessed place (the Birthplace Mosque of the Prophet) is opened, and all men enter it to derive blessing from it (mutabarrikin bih) on every Monday of the month of Rabi al-Awwal, for on that day and in that month was born the Prophet."

The 7th-century historians Abu al-Abbas al-Azafi and his son Abu al-Qasim al-Azafi wrote in their Kitab al-Durr al-Munazzam: "Pious pilgrims and prominent travellers testified that, on the day of the mawlid in Mecca, no activities are undertaken, and nothing is sold or bought, except by the people who are busy visiting his noble birthplace, and rush to it. On this day the Kaabah is opened and visited."

The famous eighth-century historian Ibn Battuta relates in his Rihla that on every Jumua after the salat and also on the birthday of the Prophet, the door of the Kaabah is opened by the head of the Banu Shayba the doorkeepers of the Kaabah while on the Maulud, the Shafii head judge of Mekah, Najm al-Din Muhammad ibn al-Imam Muhyi al-Din al-Tabari, distributed food to the descendants of the Prophet and to the people of Mekah.

The house is described in full by the ninth-century historian Taqi al-Din al-Fasi in his book Shifa' al-Gharam bi-Akhbar al-Balad al-Haram.

The following description consolidates eyewitness accounts by three 10th-century authorities: the historian Ibn Zahira from his Jami al-Latif fi Fadli Makkata wa-Ahliha; al-Haytami from his book al-Mawlid al-Sharif al-Muazzam; and the historian al-Nahrawali from al-Ilmam bi-Alam Bayt Allah al-Haram:

Each year on the twelfth of Rabi al-Awwal, after salat Maghrib, the four qadis of Mekah (representing the Four Sunni Schools) and large groups of people including the jurists and notables of Mekah, Shaykhs, zawiya teachers and students, magistrates and scholars, leave the Mosque and set out collectively for a visit to the birthplace of the Prophet, shouting out zikir and tahlil (a statement that there is no god but Allah).

The houses on the route are illuminated with numerous lanterns and large candles, and a great many people are out and about. They all wear special clothes and they take their children with them.

Inside the birthplace, a special sermon for the occasion of the birthday of the Prophet is delivered. Hereafter the doa for the (Ottoman) Sultan, the Emir of Mekah, and the Shafii qadi is performed and all pray humbly.

Shortly before the Isyak prayer, the whole party returns to the Great Mosque, which is almost overcrowded, and sit down in rows at the foot of Maqam Ibrahim. In the mosque, a preacher first mentions the tahmid (a statement that all praise only be to Allah) and tahlil. Once again the doa for the Sultan, the Emir, and the Shafii qadi is performed, followed by the Isyak prayer.

A similar description is given by al-Diyarbakri (d 960) in his great Sirah entitled Ta'rikh al-Khamis fi Akhbari Anfasi Nafis.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Hajar al-Haytami al-Makki (909- 974) in the beginning of his commentary on al-Busiri's Hamziyya poem mentions "the present well-known mosque that was the house where the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace, was born."

Muhammad Labib al-Battanuni in the year 1327/1909 in his book al-Rihlat al-Hijaziyya described the house in similar detail as others before him and the fact that "al-Khayzaran turned it into a mosque and it remains thus to our present day".

Knowledge and upkeep of the hallowed birthplace of the Prophet is mass-transmitted. From Abbasid times the Muslims upkept the Birthplace Mosque for centuries, each king and prince of Egypt, Yemen, Syria and the Ottoman Sultans buttressing it and lavishing upon it gifts and precious ornaments from East and West until the Hijaz was overrun by zealots 200 years ago, at which time the Mosque was destroyed and its endowments dispersed.

This act was committed in ignorance of the explicit hadith, "Do not raze the vestiges of the past for they are the adornment of Madina", as narrated from Ibn Umar by al-Tahawi in Sharh Ma'ani al-Athar.

Dr Muhammad Said al-Buti wrote in his preface to Sayyid Yusuf al-Rifai's book Advice to our brothers the scholars of Najd:

"I truly do not know if the Islamic World ever concurred in its indignation over a single matter in its entire history the way it does today over what is being perpetrated by the brethren who are in charge of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and by its scholars in the evisceration of Makka and Madina and their vicinities of all the historical remnants connected with the life of the Messenger of God, upon him blessings and peace, both as a private person and as a Prophet, and, subsequently, their perpetrating deeds that violate Islamic Law and violate the method which the pious Predecessors used to follow."

Years later, King Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud gave the vacant land to the Amin al-Asima at that time, Shaykh Abbas ibn Yusuf al-Qattan, who built upon it the library known as Maktabat Makkat al-Mukarrama. The library still stands at the time these lines are written.

The Brunei Times

Kamis, 19 Maret 2009



No Jadual Umrah Lama Program Harga Total Flt Rute Hotel(*5)
Hari Tanggal Quad Triple Double Mekah Medinah Jeddah

1 Selasa 17-Mar-09 8 hari Reguler 1715 1730 1820 SV JKT-MAK-JED-MED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

2 Ahad 22-Mar-09 8 hari Reguler 1715 1730 1820 SV JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

3 Selasa 24-Mar-09 9 hari Reguler 1775 1795 1890 SV JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

4 Sabtu 28-Mar-09 9 hari Reguler 1775 1795 1890 SV JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

6 Minggu 29-Mar-09 9 hari Reguler 1775 1795 1890 SV JKT-MED-MAK-JED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

7 Selasa 7-Apr-09 9 hari Reguler 1775 1795 1890 SV JKT-MED-MAK-JED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

8 Selasa 14-Apr-09 8 hari Reguler 1715 1730 1820 SV JKT-MED-MAK-JED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

9 Ahad 19-Apr-09 9 hari Reguler 1775 1795 1890 SV JKT-MAK-JED-MED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

10 Selasa 28-Apr-09 8 hari Reguler 1715 1730 1820 SV JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

11 Sabtu 21-Mar-09 9 hari Reguler 1775 1795 1890 GA JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

12 Selasa 7-Apr-09 9 hari Reguler 1775 1795 1890 GA JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

13 Senin 13-Apr-09 9 hari Reguler 1775 1795 1890 GA JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

Untuk anak-anak di bawah 12 tahun seharga US$ 1420


1 Selasa 7-Apr-09 9 hari Reguler 1645 1675 1715 GA JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Zawhar Firdaus *3 Dallah Taiba *4 Trident *4

2 Senin 13-Apr-09 9 hari Reguler 1645 1675 1715 GA JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Zawhar Firdaus *3 Dallah Taiba *4 Trident *4

Untuk anak-anak di bawah 12 tahun seharga US$ 1350


1 Sabtu 31-Mar-09 13 hari Cairo 2460 2475 2565 GA/MS Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

2 Selasa 28-Apr-09 13 hari Cairo 2460 2475 2565 GA/MS Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

3 Rabu 29-Apr-09 12 hari Istanbul 2650 2670 2780 GA/TK Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

4 Kamis 11-Jun-09 13 hari Cairo-Aqsho 3130 3150 3225 GA/MS Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

5 Rabu 29-Apr-09 17 hari Eropa 4465 4500 4600 EK Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

6 Kamis 21-May-09 11 hari Dubai 2380 2400 2490 EK Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

7 Selasa 28-Apr-09 12 hari Amman-Aqsho 2715 2730 2815 GA/RJ Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

1 Harga diatas ditambah biaya lokal sebesar Rp. 600.000, Plus Istanbul Rp. 1.300.000, Plus Eropa Rp. 1.700.000 + Fiskal
2 Harga dan jadual diatas sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah

Perwakilan di Bali: PT MAS Tours & Travel
0812 46 98233, ust.july@mas-travel.com, http://www.aazia.blogspot.com
Jl. Raya Semer no 988A, Kerobokan Kuta Utara Badung
Tlp.: 847 5570, Fax: 847 5571, Mail: info@mas-travel.com, web: www.mas-travel.com

Asal Usul Manusia dalam Ayat


1. WA IDZ QOOLA ROBBUKA LIL MALAAIKATI INNII KHOOLIQUM BASYAROM MIN SHOLSHOOLIM MIN HAMAAIN MASNUUN Dan ingatlah saat Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para malaikat “ sesungguhnya AKU ciptakan seorang manusia dari tanah liat kering dari lumpur hitam yang dibentuk, Quran Sura Al Hijr 28 …Remember when your Lord said to the angels, truly I created a man from the dry soil from the black damp which had formed …
2. FAIDZAA SAWWAYTUHU WA NAFAKHTU FIIHI MIR RUUHII FAQO’UU LAHU SAAJIDIIN Maka bila AKU telah menyempurnakan bentuknya dan telah AKU tiupkan ke dalamnya ruhKU maka tunduklah kalian kepadanya dengan bersujud QS. Al Hijr 29 … then, when I had formed it perfectly and I had blown MY soul into in, so obey him by kneeling
3. Surat Al Insaan (76) ayat 1 : hal ataa ‘alal insaani hiinun minad dahri lam yakun syai am madzkuuroo, bukankah telah datang atas manusia satu waktu dari masa yang ketika itu dia belum merupakan sesuatu yang dapat disebut … there was coming a time from time, when it has not been being something could be called …
4. Surat Al Insaan (76) ayat 2 Inna kholaqnal insaana min nuthfatin amsyaajin nabtaliihi faja’alnaahu samii’am bashiiro Sungguh KAMI ciptakan manusia dari setetes mani yang bercampur, yang KAMI akan mengujinya. Oleh karena itu KAMI jadikan dia mendengar dan melihat … truly, I created human kind from a mix sperm, who I will always do - give any test …therefore WE made it listen and see
5. Surat An Nahl 16 ayat 4 kholaqol insaana min nuthfatin faidza huwa khoshiimum mubiin, Dia telah menciptakan manusia dari air mani, lalu ia menjadi pembantah yang nyata … He had created a human kind from a sperm, then he / she be a real challenger
6. Surat An Nahl / 16 ayat 78 Walloohu akhrojakum mim buthuuni ummahaatikum laa ta’lamuuna syay-an wa ja’ala lakumus sam’a wal abshooro wal af-idah la’allakum tasykuruun Dan Allah mengeluarkan kamu dari perut-perut ibu kalian dalam keadaan tidak mengetahui apapun, dan DIA memberi kamu pendengaran, penglihatan dan hati agar kalian bersyukur. … and Allah gives birth all of you from your mothers bottom without knowledge and He gives you seeing, listening energy and heart to thanking Him …
7. Surat Al An’aam 6 ayat 98 wa huwalladzii an-sya-akum min nafsiw waahidah fastaqorruw wa mustauda’ qod fashsholnal aayaati laqoumiy yafqohuun dan DIAlah yang telah menciptakan kamu dari seorang diri, maka bagimu ada tempat yang tetap dan simpanan, sungguh telah KAMI jelaskan tanda-tanda KAMI kepada orang-orang yang mengetahui. He created you from one person alone, for you there is a special place and safe, truly We gave Our signs to them who wants to know

Proses ini dikenal kemudian sebagai teori DNA (de occilibo nuclid accid) teori genetika, yaitu proses berkembangnya sel genetika / janin dalam rahim wanita



By: Yuli Saiful Bahri 0812 46 98233 leebahri@yahoo.com

Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

Paket Umroh Periode April - Juli 2009


No Jadual Umrah Lama Program Harga Total Flt Rute Hotel (*5)
Hari Tanggal Quad Triple Double Mekah Medinah Jeddah

1 Sabtu 7-Mar-09 9 hari Reguler 1765 1820 1910 SV JKT-MAK-JED-MED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

2 Selasa 17-Mar-09 9 hari Reguler 1745 1795 1895 SV JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

3 Rabu 18-Mar-09 8 hari Reguler 1680 1730 1815 SV JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

4 Rabu 18-Mar-09 8 hari Reguler 1660 1705 1795 GA JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

6 Minggu 22-Mar-09 9 hari Reguler 1765 1820 1910 SV JKT-MED-MAK-JED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

7 Rabu 1-Apr-09 9 hari Reguler 1815 1865 1960 GA JKT-MED-MAK-JED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

8 Minggu 5-Apr-09 9 hari Reguler 1695 1740 1840 SV JKT-MED-MAK-JED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

9 Sabtu 11-Apr-09 9 hari Reguler 1695 1740 1840 SV JKT-MAK-JED-MED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

10 Selasa 21-Apr-09 9 hari Reguler 1695 1740 1840 SV JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

11 Sabtu 2-May-09 9 hari Reguler 1640 1685 1780 SV JKT-MAK-JED-MED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

12 Sabtu 16-May-09 9 hari Reguler 1605 1635 1710 SV JKT-MAK-JED-MED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

13 Selasa 26-May-09 9 hari Reguler 1605 1635 1710 SV JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

14 Sabtu 6-Jun-09 9 hari Reguler 1605 1635 1710 SV JKT-MAK-JED-MED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

15 Rabu 24-Jun-09 9 hari Reguler 1760 1795 1865 GA JKT-JED-MED-MAK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

16 Sabtu 27-Jun-09 9 hari Reguler 1670 1705 1790 SV JKT-MAK-JED-MED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

17 Minggu 28-Jun-09 9 hari Reguler 1680 1730 1835 SV JKT-MED-MAK-JED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

18 Sabtu 4-Jul-09 9 hari Reguler 1715 1785 1885 SV JKT-MAK-JED-MED-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot

1 Sabtu 18-Apr-09 10 hari Istanbul 2700 2750 2770 SV/IST CGK-SIN-MAK-JED-MED-IST-SIN-CGK Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot Senator

2 Sabtu 25-Apr-09 10 hari Cairo 2615 2660 2750 SV/CAI CGK-MAK-JED-MED-CAI-BKK-JKT Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot Zosar

3 Sabtu 16-May-09 10 hari Aqsho 2475 2510 2575 CGK-MAK-JED-MED-AMM-BKK-CGK Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot 7 Arches

4 Sabtu 16-May-09 13 hari 3 benua CAI-IST 3015 3060 3150 SQ/MS CGK-SIN-MAK-JED-MED-CAI-IST-SIN-CGK Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot Zosar Senator

5 Sabtu 6-Jun-09 15 hari MRK-SPN 3300 3400 3500 Emirate

6 Sabtu 27-Jun-09 17 hari Eropa 3600 3700 3800 Emirate

7 Sabtu 4-Jul-09 10 hari Istanbul 2695 2750 2825 SV/IST CGK-SIN-MAK-JED-MED-IST-SIN-CGK Hilton Tower Movenpick Marriot Senator

1 Harga diatas ditambah biaya lokal sebesar Rp. 700.000, Plus Istanbul Rp. 1.400.000, Plus Aqsho Rp. 1.600.000 + Fiskal

2 Harga dan jadual diatas sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah

3 Untuk anak-anak (usia dibawah 12 tahun) harga paket dikurangi US$ 200

Perwakilan di Bali: PT MAS Tours & Travel
0812 46 98233, ust.july@mas-travel.com, http://www.aazia.blogspot.com
Jl. Raya Semer no 988A, Kerobokan Kuta Utara Badung
Tlp.: 847 5570, Fax: 847 5571, Mail: info@mas-travel.com, web: www.mas-travel.com

Foto dengan background Jabal Rahmah bersama rombongan Umroh lailatul Qodar Syawal Safari Suci Bandung

Alhamdulillah beta su dapat kasampatan tuk buat umroh dan beta umroh to di bulan Ramadan, pas paket Lailatul QOdar sampai 4 Syawal, waktu itu tahung 2007, dan beta to diambil poto ini waktu ziarah ke monumen Nabi Adam as dan Hawa as bertemu, yaitu Jabal rahmah, si Gunung Kasih Sayang, tapi sayang kotor itu monumen, soalnya banyak orang to yang percaya deng kasi tulis di tugu itu nama dorang sama nama yang disayang, maka pasangan bisa langgeng, walloohu a'lam bis showaab ...